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Sneak Peeks! The Neurosparkly Lapel Pin Collection

by Jubly Umph 24 Jul 2023 14 Comments

Have you ever been told you were too much when you were just… being you?

I know so many people who grew up being told that they were too loud, too over the top, too different. But the answer isn’t to make yourself smaller and quieter or more demure.

It’s to own it!

Be the audacity, Embrace the weirdness!

 I am the audacity enamel lapel pins sketch being held by Tasha

This collection is on a topic that’s really close to me. I got an adhd diagnosis 2 years ago and it has been a journey to understand my brain better.


I wanted to create something that represented people who feel different and who are different, whether you are neurodivergent, or are a spoonie, or face challenges or just exist in a state of chaos.


Here are some sneak peeks of the collection.

 never enough spoons spoonie enamel lapel pin

Never enough spoons

Sometimes there are just never enough spoons in the day. It's just a fact. There's nothing you can do to change that, no matter how much you wish you could. For those days wear this pin as a reminder to those around you that you're doing the best you can.

not a hugger lapel pin artwork being held by tasha

Not a hugger

Remember when people used to wear those signs ‘Free Hugs’. Did they also fill you with dread? Or was it just me…

If you are the sort that reserves your hugs for your closest friends and loved ones, or for no one at all then this pin is for you. No more ducking and diving away from the reaching hands of acquaintances. No more awkwardly trying to explain yourself. Now you can wear your sentiments instead.

proudly neurosparkly neurodivergent lapel pin

Neuro Sparkly

Someone once told me that neurodivergent people are drawn to the shiny in others and I have never forgot it. And if the shininess of the person doesn’t draw them in then the sparkly-ness of this lapel pin will.

I need to recharge spoonie enamel lapel pins on jacket

I need to recharge

Some days your battery starts out half empty, some days it is drained by lunchtime or earlier. When you are tired, worn out and overwhelmed it can then take extra effort to have to explain to people why you are struggling. This pin will let them know for you.

embrace the chaos enamel lapel pins

Embrace the chaos

Fighting the daily chaos of life can be so exhausting and endless. Its time to go with the flow. Lean in to the wildness and messiness of life. Embrace the chaos.


Collection Reveal Video!!


My new range of pins are the perfect way to let others know that things may be a little chaotic for you, and that's okay! You don't need a hug, you just need them to know!


There are 8 hard enamel lapel pins in this collection and they launch this Thursday 27th July at 12pm AEST.

Which one is your favourite?

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27 Mar 2024 Sarah

Please get these all back in stock! I missed out and have a whole neuro-sparkly support group who want to get some!

02 Nov 2023 Amber

Can you please have ‘Neuro Spicy 🌶️’

Or ‘Can you repeat that? My brain’s too noisy’

27 Jul 2023 Emma Jane Mulvihill

I need all of them 😂
Not a hugger will be for my best friend, I’m the opposite.
I’m neurodiverse and physically disabled and use spoons 🥄 to get through my day.
I can’t wait xxx

27 Jul 2023 Karen J

Definitely need more spoons. Every day.

27 Jul 2023 Elisha

Hells yeah you are feeding my addiction!

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