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A confession- How I almost ruined my business...

by Jubly Umph 05 Apr 2018 0 Comments

I have a confession to make- About 18 months ago I made a big mistake that almost ruined my business. I lost sight of what my purpose was and I focused on just investing more and more money and almost bankrupted myself.

A big part of this was around the creation of handbags. The time they take to design and make, the cost involved in ordering them and then numbers of bags I had to make meant that there was little time and effort left for creating other things. (and I over ordered on the bowler bags)

limited edition jubly-umph handbags are no more

This year I have been concentrating a lot on mental health, mine and others, and part of this is getting control back from the things that suck all my time and energy. Unfortunately the handbags and wallets are a big part of this. So I have made the decision that I wont be making any more and we will be clearing the rest of our stock.

If you have been thinking of grabbing yourself one now is the time. I have marked them all 50% off. 

xo Tasha xo

ps. An update: Thank you all for your beautiful messages of support. It has been a really hard decision to make and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that you are behind me. xoO Tasha XO

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